New Age Electrical

Residential • Commercial • Off-Grid

(530) 350-5333


Solar Battery Storage System Installation in CA


We design & build custom ground mounts and “tilts” on North roof-tops.


We design & install Critical Load & Whole house battery backup & Generator System


We also specialize in integrated backup generator systems. 


While battery backup solar has been available for some time, it’s only now becoming an affordable option for the general public. With California experiencing more frequent power outages due to wildfires and grid-related issues, having a reliable backup power source is more crucial than ever. If you live in an area that’s prone to outages, we encourage you to reach out to us to discuss your backup options. Our team of experts can help you find a solution that works for your specific needs and budget. Don’t let power outages disrupt your life, contact us today


Storing power from the sun for later use has always been a challenge for renewable energy. However, advancements in Lithium-Ion, Lio-Ferro-Phosphate, and AGM batteries have made it possible to store energy efficiently and affordably. With these technologies, renewable energy paired with battery storage is finally becoming a reality. While the cost of energy storage has traditionally been prohibitive for homeowners, it’s now becoming more accessible, and we expect that soon, solar without battery storage will become a thing of the past. Join the growing number of homeowners who are adopting this sustainable solution and start benefiting from renewable energy today.

Home & Business Solar Battery Storage

We offer only the highest quality and reliable products on the market.

These solar panel systems have monitoring portals you can see on the internet. You can log in to see how your system is producing and storing power. We can sign in (online) and often times do much more, such as correcting technical issues without a site visit. Often before you even realized there’s an issue, it’s fixed.

“On-Grid” Battery Power Storage is useful for two primary reasons

1. Backup Battery Storage:

Power outages have become a common occurrence in the foothill and mountain areas surrounding Coarsegold, CA, including Oakhurst, Mariposa, and North Fork. With little or no warning, these blackouts and grid failures can last for days, posing a significant challenge for homeowners. As a result, many are now recognizing the value of having a reliable backup power source in the Central Valley and surrounding areas. By installing a battery bank, you can keep your essential circuits energized during an outage, ensuring that you can continue to use critical electronic devices such as lights, fans, and even TVs and computers. This technology provides a practical and cost-effective solution for those who want to avoid spoiled food or discomfort during an extended outage. Don’t wait until the next power outage strikes, contact us today to discuss your backup power options.

2. Time of Use

TOU: Time of Use is where utility companies charge more between certain times of the day. Solar customers are obligated to be on TOU rates. This means, that for 5 hours per day (3pm-8pm or 4pm-9pm in our area with PGE, Pacific Gas & Electric), you will be charged a higher rate.


Batteries are now here to assist you during these times. Now you can use the energy your system produced during the day to power you during peak hours. 


California Solar Tax Credit

Californians can get federal tax credits to help pay for the cost of solar panels

Don’t forget about the Federal Tax Credit, which is 30% of your total project cost for residential and up to 40% for commercial installations.

For these reasons and more, there’s no better time to get solar than right now.

We are locally owned and operated, and our name embodies our commitment to serving others. Our team is passionate about providing exceptional service to our neighbors, and we take pride in our dedication to the community. We are here to stay and look forward to continuing to serve for many years to come.

Still want to know more?

Call us for an on-site visit, we’d love to answer any questions you may have.

CSLB #: 1100475

New Age Electrical, Inc